vineri, 14 ianuarie 2011

Hallow again.Si deci am ajuns din nou pe aici.De data asta fara un motiv anume,pur si simplu am vrut sa scriu ceva pe aici,poate,de bine de rau macar mai sperii paienjenii care s-au stabilit in zona.
Serios oameni buni.Cred ca sunt dependent,cum am ajuns asa,nu stiu,nu-mi pasa,dar sunt dependent de ea.Adica dude,e plecata doar de o zi si eu stau cu o leguma si vegetez in casa...
Macar de as avea ceva de facut,sa-mi distrag atentia de la lipsa ei,dar e destul de greu sa-mi ocup timpu' cu ceva cu adevarat interesant.Nici macar death metalul nu ma ajuta cu nimic:))..Si asta inseamna ceva,dat fiind faptul ca pumnul care ti-l da in urechi tipul asta de metal te deconcentreaza de tot si nu poti decat sa urmaresti linia fiecarui instrument
Am dat cep la coniacul care mi-a ramas de ceva vreme si zace dupa dulap,dar nu prea se duce pe gat,mi s-a acrit dupa numai un pahar.As cam avea chef de o bere.Si aici legea lui Murphy ma pocneste fix in cap,pt ca de obicei primesc invitatii pe care le refuz frumos cand nu am chef,si acum cand imi arde gatul si inima dupa o bere cu tovarasii,nu dau de nici unu.Frate ce porcarie:))..Asta e,insistam,tre' sa apara ceva,e binevenita si o invitatie la cafea,numai sa fie cu cineva in preajma caruia sa nu fiu nevoit sa ma gandesc de 2 ori inainte sa deschid gura. cam fi cazul sa termin postul asta.Daca nu gasesc pe nimeni cu care sa beau o bere,imi bag picioarele si ma duc sa beau una cu unchi-miu,si asa n-am mai trecut pe acolo de vreo saptamana.
Oh..before I go..Just wanted you to know..I'm thinking about you,little readhead.Smile!:P

miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010

Cedez...Rabdarea,calmul si optimisul meu incep sa apuna odata cu soarele...Vor rasari din nou?Depinde...Pff...Lume decadenta..sunt absolut dezgustat....Mediul imi dezvolta caracterul psihotic.Degradare,gunoi,societate....imi sunt totuna. O singura raza de lumina imi ramane,ancora mea roscata...Ma leaga,ma tine impotriv...a valurilor ce mi se sparg in cap alimentadu-mi psihoza latenta..
Umbre,spectre..sunteti voi.Ma inconjurati,ma sufocati,ma tocati marunt si apoi ma aruncati in malaxorul indiferentei.Lasati-ma in pace.Vreau doar putina liniste.
Lasati-ma in globul meu de lumina,nu-mi stingeti becul care imi lumineaza calea,care cu pretul sanatatii mele mintale,il alimentez,imi torn fericirea si cli...pele de neuitat in el.
Iar tu,spectru rosu,jucaus, imparte imaturitatea ta cu mine,viseaza si voi visa...Adu-ma inapoi la starea mea de liniste atat de ravnita,reda-mi esenta prin prezenta ta.Cuprinde-ma cu pasiunea ta si ridica-ma din abisul constiintei mele.
Destul a evadat din mintea mea,in aceste cuvinte.Un pahar de vin si
somn...De la o vreme,in linistea noptii,din nou ma pierd in visele mele
dantesc infernale...Si culmea,nu ma deranjeaza catusi de putin.Imi place
sa-mi explorez frustrarile astfel.

... Ai citit destul din aberatiile mele,eu ma car la somn,te sfatuiesc sa faci la fel:)

marți, 3 august 2010

Dude,what the fuck???
Bai,eu acum am observat.Nici acum nu mi-am stat ceasul la blog.Fuck:))
Scuze pentru eventualele incurcaturi neuronale produse^.^
Long time ,no see.Hai salut.
Am decis sa schimb putin scopul acestui blog si sa-l spal bine de ce avea inainte.
Hai sa facem putina caterinca.
O doza din prostia omeneasca.Evident cu un comentariu cum se cuvine si funny voice slow-motion replay >:)

Have a good laugh

luni, 21 iunie 2010

I don't understand...
Dude..What the fuck???I got caught in a pretty damn shitty situation today.I won't get much into it 'cause it's quite private stuff, but anyway...
It amazes me how people can change opinions so fast.And by that I mean really fast.In a matter of hours.I met with my girlfriend's mom today,we had a little chat, stuff you would normally talk with someone which is twice and a half your age.She said she was quite pleased of my education and she was glad she can trust me,etc.Afterward I went for a walk with my girlfriend.When we got back, her mother got really pissed 'cause she found out that her daughter called an old friend which her mother couldn't stand having around.As expected, I played for her defence. She and her mother got in quite a fight( I mean I couldn't even say a word because of them ).It was best if I left the house.And it seemed a quite good idea 'cause the situation degenerated quickly.Now,my girlfriend sent me a message telling me that it's not going to be a very good idea to show up at her place for a while.Normally, I asked why..The answer I got was no more,no less than shocking : Her mom said she lost her trust in me because I defended her daughter in that fight of theirs.And that wasn't all.She said that a guy who can like a girl like her daughter is not trustworthy...I was like WHAT THE FUCK??..Then I received the biggest bomb of all time from her mom..That woman thinks her daughter is a bitch.What mom thinks her daughter's a bitch for cryin' out loud???JEEEZ...Oh and I forgot...she suspects me of being an alcoholic..Doh...just for seeing me drinking a beer with a couple of my buds'

Anyway...It was a looong crappy day.I think I'm going to sleep now.I 'm going to need it 'cause tommorow the show begins again...

vineri, 11 iunie 2010

Am cuprins lumina,si-am inchis-o in suflet
Lasciv dansand cu intunericul
Sangele-mi hraneste mintea,aud un urlet
Melancolia atingand crepusculul

Amintiri amare,chinuindu-mi constiinta
Ma devoreaza lent,agonizant
Asteptand damnarea,imi pierd cunostinta
In fata-mi,orizontu-i dezolant.

Vino Neagra doamna,in umbre de ma duce
Arata-mi ce m-asteapt-acum
Orice sa fie,dar nu somnul cel dulce
Acel cu-n singur capat drum.

A mortii acalmie,in crestet ma izbeste brusc
Cu o ultima spasma,abandonez
Parasesc bolnava lume,in adancuri eu ma duc
Ultima data,cu sufletul parez.

Well...don't say I need to cheer up or something...I was pretty happy and quite drunk when i wrote this.I suppose I just have a weird imagination:)...That's enough for today.See ya!!:P

marți, 6 aprilie 2010

Hi everyone..I'm back yet with another post..tough it may be boring this time.I simply don't have the necesary mood...Yeah,it's Easter and all that shit.And how did this so-called holy-day found me this year? Not quite good I could say.I'm pretty f***ing bored.But not life bores me,as many of you would think.No, people bore me.Always the same a**holes with their grandeur problem,the auto-proclaimed P.I.M.P's, these fuckheads who are totally parallel with real life..Well,I think you will be pleased to hear that one of them is going to get,and get it hard.And no, I don't mean beating the crap outta him, I have something else in my mind, a non-violent way ( not entirely true..but at least 50% ) to make him wake up and watch his own ass instead of pissing off other people.Anyway,let's leave the poor retards and approach another subject..
The holy-day season.This time of the year really pisses me off.All people are becoming good Christians,staying with their families and you know the usual line,but only for these 3 damn days... then they go back to their usual routine like being a jackass all over again,beating the crap outta their wives,children and hell knows what other shit.I'm happier as an trouble,no hypocryte relative to piss me off at the Easter dinner and things like that.But the most important think I like about this,is that I can really get a lil' piece of silence..yeah,silence!Not many people appreciate it at it's full valor,but it's so relaxing sometimes to just sit around,read a book,relax in a silent,cool environment without anyone disturbing your thoughts...
Well,I think I've bored you enough so far so I'll get goin'..But still...before I go,let me post a short lil' thing I thought of..And with your permission I'll write it in my foreign language.Here it goes:
Liniste,mult ravnita liniste
In negura gandurilor,
lasata de izbeliste
Exilata de nervi,si chemata
Fara speranta,de acorduri mutite,
de ironie si resentimente.
I know it may suck,but it's my blog if you got anything to say good or bad about it..lemme know:P..
Enough for today..See Ya'!